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Newwebclass ***** Shared bookmarks , , furl

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:16 am
by Newman
Hey Eddie,

I'm going to put my "investigation" off Shared bookmarks here.

I'll do a small tutorial on

First: go to the site and look around and come back here.
(if you are using Firefox - right click and choose "open link with new tab")

Newwebclass ***** Shared bookmarks , , furl

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:36 am
by Newman

sign up for the service.

It's a simple form with a secret code thing. Type in your user name and pass. And put in a valid email address.

Once you submit the form, check your email (at the email address you provided) and click on the link to activate the account.

That link will bring you back to the page, but not at the start page. So, if you are lost, click on the home tab at the top left of the page screen.

Now you have an account and you are the homepage.

Let's look around a bit.

Notice on the bottom there is a listing of website titles and just under that it says "Furled by xx members"

These are new bookmarks that are coming through the website. Other people are bookmarking these pages. When you bookmark something, Furl checks to see if others have bookmarked it and displays the number.

If you click on the title, then you will go to the web page.
If you click on the "furled by ..." , then you will go to an info page about the URL (web address). It's pretty cool. It shows: the number of people, other bookmarks the people have in common, and comments.

Newwebclass ***** Shared bookmarks , , furl

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:57 am
by Newman

I looked at the getting started and how people use Furl - they are good reads.

Before we can add a bookmark, we have add a ... thingy.

You have to install a little bookmark'let or a small "program"(javascript, I think) into your bookmarks folder. It's called the "Furl browser button"

You have to drag a button into your bookmarks toolbar. This might be confusing, so I try to explain it well.

It's pretty easy, however.

first, view your bookmarks toolbar. If you cannot see your Bookmarks Toolbar, go to the "View" menu and select "Toolbars." Set the "Bookmarks Toolbar" to appear.

Simply click and drag the button onto / into your bookmarks toolbar.

There is a pop up and non-pop up version. I like the pop up version - it doesn't get in the way of your web browsing.

Did you get it? Click on the bookmark you installed. You should see something like this.


Newwebclass ***** Shared bookmarks , , furl

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:04 am
by Newman
Let's add a bookmark!

surf to a cool page. I like this one
(right click and open in a new tab)

when you are there, click on the bookmark'let you just dragged on to the toolbar.

You will get a pop up with a form to fill in about the book mark. I think the most important are the keywords. The comments will be shown in the "furled by xx members" page.

more about this form later. Let's make sure it showed up on the main page.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:09 am
by Newman
The main page shows most popular pages. If you click on the link to "latest headlines" you will see the bookmark we just made.


now look at "my archive"

do you see the bookmark you just made?

come back tomorrow and we'll talk about import and export bookmarks


Install new hardware?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:11 am
by Newman
I don't know what you are downloading?


you don't have to download anything.... I wonder... You just have to sign up and drag a button on to the bookmarks toolbar...


Newwebclass ***** Shared bookmarks , , furl

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:40 am
by Newman

Let's do some more tomorrow!

Jon Udell's screencast about why delicious is cool

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:29 am
by Newman
Jon Udell's screencast of - also touches on folksonomy/meta-tagging :

Some more screencasts about :

This might help you to figure out or inspire you as to why you need to figure it out.