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seasonal employment/lodging options?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:43 pm
by bluewater

I'm posting this in the main General forum, too...I'd appreciate any feedback about seasonal employment in winter. We are two + our dog on a 36' sailboat, considering wintering in Alaska NEXT year ('06-07). In addition to needing a safe place to park the boat, we'd need to bring in some income. An example of the perfect situation would be to caretake a B&B for the winter season. If possible, we would love to find a place to live on land and thought caretaking might be a great opportunity. I'm sure there are other options as well. We do have a friendly, quiet, loveable dog, however, so she'd have to be allowed wherever we live.

We are two very educated and responsible adults with skills that include customer service, cooking, handyperson work, teaching, professional writing and editing and web design, as well as the ever-useful physical labor. We enjoy talking with travelers, sharing information and being generally helpful. We both love backcountry travel and we both telemark ski. Please pass this along to anyone you think might have helpful information!
s in colorado