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Looking for Helen and Matt Miller

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:14 pm
by Donna Rogers
I am in search of Helen and Matt Miller. They are both around 31 years old. They used to live in Elma Wa, and I worked with Helen. They left Washington I think in the year 2000 If you know them would you please let them know my email address [email protected] ? Thank you, I dont live in Elma or the Grays Harbor area anymore so they will have to get ahold of me through email. I am in the Olympia area, and not with that mean boyfriend anymore(dumped him in 2001) I would like to get ahold of Helen and Matt, I think they was trying to get a CDL license to drive a Big Rig. Helen is half Thai. Helen maybe working as a Nurses Aide, if she is not ont he road with Matt. Thank you,,,,,,Donna