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Marcus Fuller

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:04 pm
by Newman
From Powder Magazine
Local Hero Marcus Fuller
Submitted by Travis Andersen


I first came across Marcus Fuller by accident years ago on the ridge at Bridger Bowl. I was setting up to shoot a friend of mine who was going to ski a particular hidden, tight, technical chute. I was in position and waiting when Marcus suddenly appeared at the top of the line. He had no idea anybody was going to be there, especially with a camera, and was just skiing a line for his own pure satisfaction. He shredded the line, before my buddy and skied off laughing and hooting.

In the years that followed that day, Marcus has become a good friend and great ski partner of mine. He's a local hero for many reasons; skiing like a rock star is just a drop in the hat. Marcus has a style and energy like no other person I've ever known. He has a heart filled with kindness and a huge smile that brings warm fuzzy feelings to the hardest of men. He is the quintessential dirt bag, hippy, ski bum, powder hound; a world traveler and self taught Zen healer.
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Marcus is the real thing - Powder Bum. He is a great story teller and good friend. So happy and fun to be around. I scanned some of his artwork back in 1998 or so. Check it out here -